Kurt: You are an angel. Jean: On Occasion.
(Strategy X -mikor Jean megmenti Kurtot,az edzteremben,s egytt "lebegnek" a levegbe)
Jean: No, really, it's okay. It's just... Scott's powers aren't really what you'd call, "indoor friendly."
(Speed and Spyke -Evan szleinl)
Jean: Which one of you guys has been putting on weight? I can hardly hold you.Scott: It's Nightcrawler. Burgers 7 days a week will do that to a fellow.Kurt: Ah! The breakfast of mutants.
(Turn of the Rogue-mikor edzsen vannak,s Jean Scottot s Kurtot lebegteti telekinzissel a levegben)
Scott: It felt kinda right, didn't it? Jean: What did?Scott: You know, us and them fighting alongside. I mean, why can't they just stop drawing battle lines in the sand?Jean: Well, it's like Logan said. You can't control the will of others.Scott: Yeah. I know... and maybe they'll come around. Hey, and you can be their conscience. You're pretty good at it.Jean: Oh, shut up! Hey. Even good guys need a nudge once in a while.Scott: Jean... whenever you think I need it, nudge away.
(Survival of the fittest-mikor buldzert visszazrtk a brtnbe)